Jewish Family Service is a client-centered, impact-driven organization working to build a stronger, healthier, more resilient San Diego.

Since 1918, Jewish Family Service of San Diego has been a trusted community resource for individuals and families in times of need. Our wide range of integrated services Empower Individuals & Families to Move Toward Self-Sufficiency, Support Aging With Dignity, and  Foster Community Connection & Engagement throughout San Diego County and the Coachella Valley. JFS provides essential services to people regardless of religion, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, ability, gender identity/expression, or sexual orientation.

JFS is a home for people in search of better lives and for those seeking to make better lives possible. Many people first turn to JFS with a specific need, like hunger. That first contact often leads to a wide range of integrated services that address their financial, social, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. In partnership with our community of clients and supporters, we’re Moving Forward Together.

Jewish Family Service is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and nonsectarian human service agency and an equal opportunity employer.